<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Manage Device Tree

In the device tree, click the Management tab to enter a different view of your devices and sensors. While in this view, you can move monitoring objects via drag-and-drop. You can also select objects to view and edit their settings. Any changes that you make in this view immediately take effect. To arrange objects in the tree, you have the following options.

Move or Clone a Sensor

You can change the position of a sensor on the same device or you can clone a sensor to a different device:

  • On the same device, drag any sensor and drop it where you want it. The sensor moves to this position and the other sensors line up underneath it.
  • Drag any sensor from a device and drop it on a different device to clone a sensor. This creates the same sensor with the same settings on the new device. The original sensor does not change.
    i_round_blueCloned sensors initially show the Paused status to give you the chance to change any settings before monitoring starts. Check the settings and resume monitoring.

i_round_blueYou cannot clone fixed objects such as the root group, a probe device, or PRTG system-internal sensors.

i_round_blueTo clone entire groups or devices, use the clone object feature in the object's context menu.

Move a Group or Device

You can change the position of a group or a device via drag-and-drop:

  • On the same probe or group, drag any group or device and move it up or down the device tree. A small red arrow appears that shows the future position. When you drop the group or device, it moves to this position and the other probes, groups, and devices line up underneath it.
  • Drag any group or device from one probe or group and drop it on a different probe or group. A small red arrow appears that shows the future position. When you drop the group or device, it moves to the new probe or group and the other groups and devices line up underneath it. This way, you can change the probe that a group or device is part of or you can add groups or devices to other groups.

i_round_blueYou cannot move the local probe, the hosted probe, or remote probes.

Multi-Edit Object Settings

You can use multi-edit for object settings:

  • Hold down the Ctrl key and select multiple objects of the same type, for example, multiple groups, devices, or sensors.
  • In the dialog that appears, select the properties that you want to edit, change the respective settings, and click Save. The changes are applied to all selected objects.

The dialog is the same as described in section Multi-Edit.

Related Topics

For other ways to arrange objects, see